As we all know, there’s nothing fantastic about plastic and we need to drastically reduce - or even better - remove plastic from our shopping carts and homes. Here are some simple ways to do just that.
Did you know that the average person uses a whopping 130kg of plastic each year? And less than 10 per cent of that will end up being recycled. Not only that, but 130,000 tons of plastic finds its way into our oceans every year. Read on to find out how bamboo toilet paper can help reduce the use of plastic at home, as well as other plastic-free options you can try.
1 - Choose toilet paper that’s not wrapped in plastic
Bamboo toilet paper is the best option for your home and for the environment. And because bamboo toilet paper is produced by environmentally conscious companies like ours, you are unlikely to find bamboo toilet paper wrapped in plastic packaging. Our Pure Planet Club tree-free toilet paper is completely plastic-free and hand-wrapped individually in paper. Our sweet marine-inspired designs look great in any bathroom and the paper can be reused for wrapping. While toilet paper is something most of us don’t want to go without, it doesn’t have mean we need to resort to using plastic. Sustainable packaging is just another one of the many benefits of using bamboo toilet paper.
2 - Banish plastic straws
Single-use plastics are hugely damaging to the environment. One use and they are thrown away, ending up in landfill or the ocean. When it comes to straws, there’s a host of fantastic plastic-free options you can choose from. Silicone straws are great for kids as they’re colorful and soft on little teeth, bamboo is another great option, as is stainless steel as they’re easy to wash and won’t rust. Paper straws are an option too but they’re also single-use and disintegrate quickly in liquid.
dmitriylo via Shutterstock
3 - Pack your own lunch every day
This tip is also a huge money saver as well as saving on the use of plastic containers. You’ll also save on food waste. Bring leftovers to work, make a sandwich to toast, make a big pot of soup or a lasagne at the beginning of the week and take in a stainless-steel container, beeswax wrap or reusable cloth lunch baggie every day. Your wallet will thank you too – see here for more eco-friendly tips that save cash.
4 - Become a sustainable swapper
When switching to a more eco-friendly lifestyle, it’s tempting to rush out and stock up on beautiful bamboo products and beeswax wraps. However, take a look around your kitchen and use old jars for storage, for example, instead of investing in more containers. Swap out the old for the new gradually – when your old toothbrush is past its use-by date, change to a bamboo brand instead. Plastic ice cube trays have worn out? Replace them with stainless steel alternatives. And when your old lip balms run out, try our plastic-free organic lip balms which come in biodegradable packaging.

5 - Make coffee at home or invest in a reusable cup
Billions of disposable coffee cups end up in landfill every year. And while going to a café every morning is an enjoyable way to start the day, it can be a costly habit – both for the environment and your wallet. A daily $4 coffee will set you back $1460 over the course of a year, and if you’re not using a reusable cup, it can make a serious contribution to landfill. Invest in a reusable cup and make your daily coffee at home, then bring it with you on your walk or commute.
6 - Avoid plastic at the supermarket
Say no to plastic bags and bring your own reusable bags from home. When at the supermarket, avoid fruit and veggies wrapped in plastic and buy loose ones instead. Use brown paper mushroom bags if you have to – for loose-leaf spinach, small items like chillies, or even for bread rolls. Just avoid those plastic bags! Support your local co-op or bulk foods store and bring your own glass jars and reusable containers to stock up on bulk goods.
Foxy Forest Manufacture via Shutterstock
7 - Stop buying bottled water
Not only does it come in a plastic bottle, but lots of resources are used to extract, bottle, and ship it, plus many brands of bottled water are just filtered tap water. Get a reusable stainless steel bottle or stainless steel travel mug, fill it up with tap water before leaving the house, and refill it while you’re on the go.
8 - Buy fresh bread
When buying bread, opt for bread that only comes in paper. It doesn’t have to be expensive fancy artisan bread either, your local bakery usually supplies paper bags, or you can bring your own reusable bags.
Metin Ozer via Unsplash
9 - Request plastic-free gifts
It might be challenging to ask friends and family not to give you any plastic, especially if you have kids! Give them a list of alternatives to plastic gifts, such as wooden toys, or vouchers for an experience. That way you won’t be chucking out a sack full of plastic crap every few months when you do a clear-out. It’s just another simple way to reduce the use of plastic at home.
10 - Opt for plastic-free bathroom essentials
Ditch those bottles of shower gel, shampoo and conditions and go old-school with soap bars. They’re cheaper and better for the environment. Choose natural soaps in cardboard packaging and avoid any that contain palm oil. Try sourcing from your local farmers’ markets to help reduce the carbon footprint of your soap. For more clever eco-friendly bathroom swaps check out our blog here.
cereusly via Shutterstock
At Pure Planet Club we only stock plastic-free products. You can purchase a box of 36 rolls of our tree-free bamboo toilet paper as one-off option, or you can also set up a handy subscription so your environmentally friendly eco toilet paper is delivered directly to your doorstep – plus you’ll get 10% off each carton. Just set and forget, all from the comfort of your home. We are always adding new products to our range too so watch this space and sign up for our newsletter to be first in the know.