
Plastic Free July

Happy Plastic Free July! This month gives us the opportunity to really up our game when it comes to doing our bit for the environment, and we have lots of great suggestions for you.

We recently compared bamboo toilet paper and conventional toilet paper, breaking down the environmental impact of each of them. Check it out here.

Instead of chucking your empty toilet roll tubes in the recycling, why not reuse them? We’ve put together six crafty ways to re-use toilet paper rolls, from making a cute bird feeder to making seed starters. You can read more here.

Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July is an initiative that celebrates its 10th year in 2021. This award-winning campaign has had a huge impact over the past decade. In July 2020 alone, an estimated 326 million people took part in the challenge, across 177 countries worldwide. By participating, you can reduce your household waste and recycling by 21kg per person per year. The vast majority of people who participate also say they have made new changes and habits that are now a way of life. Click here to sign up for the challenge.

8 simple ways to go plastic-free this July

We all know we should ditch takeaway cups and refuse single-use plastics such as straws. If you’re ready to take it to the next level, try some of these suggestions.

1 - Buy less

Avoiding disposable products and packaging has a huge impact. Thinking about potential alternatives can include choosing the item with the least amount of packaging or switching from plastic to paper packaging. For reusable products it’s better to purchase something that’s designed to last forever rather than buying something that will need replacing regularly. Before making a purchase, ask ‘Do I really need this? Could I borrow from someone else?

2 - Try bulk food shopping

Avoid pre-packaged foods by choosing bulk or loose food. Keep a shopping list and visit your local bulk food store just once a month, to stock up on items such as flour, nuts, dishwashing liquid and more.

Sustainable Food Shopping 

Natalia Deriabina via Shutterstock

3 - Invest in a traditional razor

Swap disposable razors for reusable alternatives, such as a stainless-steel razor – they last forever and have replaceable blades. While they may be more expensive than disposable razors from the outset, in the long run they can end up saving you money.

4 - Switch to bar soap

Making the switch from shower gel to bars of soap is an easy way to reduce consumption of single-use plastics. Bar soaps come in different blends to suit body washing, face wash, shampoo and shaving, so your line-up of bottles may become a line-up of bars.

 Home Made Eco Friendly Soap

Yi-Chen Chiang via Shutterstock

5 - Try reusable sanitary items

Choose to refuse single-use sanitary items, and opt for a ‘moon cup’, period underwear such as Modibodi, or washable pads and liners.

6 - Invest in plastic-free dental care

You can go plastic-free with your dental care, by finding more sustainable alternatives to toothbrushes, toothpaste, and dental floss.

 Lady Holding Plastic Free Tooth Floss

Iryna Inshyna via Shutterstock

7 - Have plastic-free parties and celebrations

With a little bit of creativity, you can easily plan a party that’s free from balloons and other harmful single-use plastics. Popular decorations that can be reused time and time again, include bunting, tassels, tissue pom poms, lanterns, fresh plants, and more.

8 - Ditch tea bags in favor of loose-leaf tea

Going for loose leaf tea is the obvious winner when it comes to avoiding the plastic that is in many tea bags. You can bring your own container to a local bulk food store, or make sure you buy loose leaf tea without the extra plastic-packaging.

Did you know?

The average person consumes 5g of microplastic each week, around the size of a credit card.

Thanks for keeping our oceans clean and forests green!
Pure Planet Club Team
