
Happy holidays from Pure Planet Club!

Welcome to our December newsletter, the last one for 2022! Recently on the blog we’ve shared some of our favorite tips for Eco-friendly Christmas gift ideas, from sustainable gift wrapping to gifting experiences rather than material goods. We’re also continuing to promote small, achievable ways we can make a difference on a daily basis, so if you’re a coffee lover, check out our list of surprising uses for coffee grounds.
 If you are travelling this season, either to visit family for seasonal celebrations, or vacationing away from home, here are some tips for being a sustainable travelers and leaving a lighter imprint on the planet.
1 - Choose low- or no-carbon transport. 
Where possible, ditch the plane flights (which are astronomically priced right now anyway!) and opt for train or bus travel. Once you’ve reached your destination, try exploring on foot, bike or kayak if you’re feeling adventurous. If travelling by plane, consider off-setting your air travel.
2 - Leave only footprints, take only memories
 When travelling in general but also hiking or walking in nature, ensure you bring away any rubbish you generate as you go. Resist the urge to collect seashells, rocks and flowers as they’re a vital part of the eco-system and often serve as habitat for big and little creatures.
3 - Avoid tourist experiences involving animals
 Unfortunately, tourism can be one of the main contributors to animal cruelty. Petting tigers, swimming with dolphins or riding elephants are exploitative and stressful on the animals. Do your research and ensure any experiences you sign up for ethical and don’t involve petting or walking with wild animals. Wildlife is best viewed in the wild!
4 - Choose sustainable accommodation
 Staying in small family-run hotels or B&Bs is a great way to travel sustainably and support local businesses. Search for eco-friendly hotels, organic farmhouses and green B&Bs in the area you are travelling to for a guilt-free and unique holiday experience. 
5 - Avoid single-use plastic bottles
 Ditch plastic water bottles and take your own reusable drink bottle which you can take everywhere with you and refill as you need. Invest in water purification tablets if you’re visiting a country that doesn’t have regular access to potable water. 
Until next time, thank you for all your support and wishing you and yours a wonderful festive season.

“Always bear this in mind, that very little indeed is necessary for a happy life.” — Marcus Aurelius

Thanks for keeping our oceans clean and forests green!
Pure Planet Club Team
