
Eco-friendly trends for 2023

So often when we talk about the planet, topics tend to be doom-laden. However, there’s plenty to feel hopeful about, with many experts predicting a huge shift towards sustainability in 2023 across communities, governments and businesses. Here’s some of the sustainable trends we can expect to see this year.

1 - Focus on genuine carbon offsetting
Dubious practices and flawed reliance on carbon offset strategies have attracted a lot of scrutiny in recent years. According to research and advisory firm Forrester Technology, organizations that have learned lessons from previous carbon offsets will lead the way in 2023 in setting carbon-offset transparency standards.

2 - Airline travel will be reduced
In recent years, travel restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic caused a 54% reduction in business travel. As corporate travel returns, large businesses are reassessing their existing travel practices, and tracking their travel emissions data. The rising cost of living – and airline travel – is also likely to reduce leisure travel too, all of which will have a positive impact in reducing emissions, as consumers look to embrace ways of becoming an eco-conscious traveler.

3 - Electric cars go mainstream
Electric or hybrid cars were once an expensive proposition but are now coming down in price and becoming more affordable. With the cost of gas and petrol rising, they are becoming an even more attractive option for anyone looking to change their vehicle.

Electric Cars Chargingsungsu han via Shutterstock

4 - Living a sustainable lifestyle
Consumers will increasingly move towards a more plastic-free, climate friendly lifestyle, shifting the way that we eat, shop, travel and live, according to Afhdel Aziz, author of Good is the New Cool. From our holidays to our meals to our homes and workplaces, these collective movements will make a hugely positive impact on the planet.

5 - Green cities lead the way
Author Rob Hopkins says cities will be “out-competing each other to get to zero carbon first and to come up with the most imaginative strategies for doing so.” Some cities which have made considerable strides in terms of becoming greener and more eco-friendly include Barcelona, which has turned one-third of its city centre streets into forests and places for play, Singapore, which has a whopping 50% of green spaces and is the most sustainable city in Asia, and Valencia in Southern Spain, which boasts the largest urban park in Europe.

6 - Reconnecting with nature drives passion for the environment
After navigating the last few years with lockdowns and mandatory isolation, we are appreciating our outdoor spaces even more. Connecting with nature and spending more time outdoors makes us more aware of how precious our planet is, and inspires us to protect it.

Young man reading in natureStock-Asso via Shutterstock
